Sunday, September 5, 2010


I am really not motivated to do a blog right now. By now, I am sure no one is reading my blog since it has been three months since I posted. Nevertheless, I have been hounded by Eric's sister, who is begging for updated pictures of her cute nieces and nephew, so here's one for you Karen (and anyone else who might still check on me to see if I am alive).

There are big changes brewing at the Petty's Place... where to begin... in no particular order but certainly not chronologically or based on importance.
1) Elia started Kindergarten and turns 6 tomorrow (the sixth). Where has all the time gone! For her birthday we are doing six days of fun. We went for ice cream yesterday, tomorrow, we are taking her to get her ears pierced (she's been asking for them since she was four). On Thursday and Friday we are doing two mini parties instead of one big one. We figure we will spread out the fun and make it last longer, plus she will be able to play more with each of her friends instead of having one big party.
First day of school...

With her friend and walking buddy Samantha. 2) We are moving... Eric got a new job about a month and a half ago. It is on the other side of town. If it rains (and he can't ride his motorcycle), there isn't bus service, so I would have to take him the 50-60 minutes to work, come back home, then drive up to get him and come back home. (The joys of having one car). On Wednesday, we close on our new house (which is just five glorious minutes from Eric's new office building). Of course, this job change and our move has other implications, but probably the biggest is that I will not be continuing as editor of Sugar Land Magazine. I've had a great time doing it, but I was ready to move on... so really this timing is perfect as far as that goes. I am kind of looking forward to the break, but knowing that I am not very good at long breaks, so I'll have to find something else fun to do. Additionally, we will now be renting out the Sugar Land house and joining the ranks of landlords (SCARY!!!).

3) We went to NH for our family vacation for two weeks. We had a great time escaping the Houston heat, playing on rope swings and relaxing...
Ethan eventually did it by himself and actually was bolder than Elia at first.
Our trickster...
Ahhh, nothing like breakfast overlooking Waconda Pond. Kara turned 1 while we were in NH. Now she's walking all over the place and signs more, please and drink.