Well, this week went much better. Eric came up with the blog title this week, so I'm covered there, and there was no crazy forgetting things and we actually even planned ahead enough that we weren't wondering what to do about the kids when we both had things planned for the same night! Hip, hip, hooray!
Here is a sweep through the week:
Monday: As Eric was leaving for his Mandarin test, I said to him, "Say I love you in Chinese, Papa". Elia jumped right in and said, "I love you in Chinese, Papa!"
Tuesday: Jen taught preschool and even planned the night before for the lesson so she wasn't so crazy in the morning. Tuesday's bubble bath shoot:

Wednesday: I got called out of my exercise class to the kids club, thinking Ethan was crying, but when I got there, they had called because the girls bathroom was out of order and Elia didn't want to go in the little boys room. I finally talked her into it.
Thursday: Preschool again, then cooking club. Jen taught 6 other girls how to cook "Grampa Ken's Pork Stew". It was a hit! Sorry Ken, the secret is out. When can we expect your book? :) Thursday afternoon, I did a picture shoot and was fortunate enough to have Elia play with one friend and Ethan go to another friend's house. Thanks guys! It was great. Thursday night was basketball for Eric and a baby shower for Jen.
Friday: We skipped soccer to make sure we would have time to apply for jobs. We put five more applications in for Eric! Keep praying for us!
Saturday: RUGBY! Eric played the whole game in the current t-bird vs. alumni game. The game was so close and Eric even got the "assist" for the first "try" (that's a touchdown in rugby). I don't think they do assists, but it was because of what Eric did that his teammate was able to take the ball into the end.
Sunday: Today, while playing in the room, Elia found the tall cylindrical cover for Jen's CD stack. She thought it would make a great hat and put it on Eric's head. When she had it carefully balanced, she slowly moved her arms away and said, "perrrrfect!". We got the kids ready quickly and left the house about 12 (an hour before church). We drove for a while talking about our future plans while the kids slept. Elia was a lot better in church today because she got a nap (unlike most Sundays). After church, Eric went to choir and I took the kids for a walk. Ethan was so tired, I found him like this when we got home: