Well, my season pass for the zoo that my Dad bought for us a year ago expires tomorrow. As one last hurrah, I went with some friends to the zoo for the last time on Friday. Elia loved running with Tristan, a four-year-old who, unlike Elia's younger friends, loves to hold hands and run. We had to drag the two of them out of a photo booth they found by the side of the walkway. Of course, I took pictures with my own camera and they didn't quite get the point of looking at the camera instead of the big blinking screen in front of them. Oh well!

Of course, the tiger and lion are favorite hits with everyone.

As is our custom, we rode the carousel at the end of the day. For a change, (from the horse and dolphin -- two of Elia's previous favorites), I talked to her about the other animals and she selected the lion... well, as fate would have it, both lions were taken. After a few tears, she chose the leopard and forgot all her cares as the carousel started to move.
I also wanted to visit Stingray Bay one last time... a pool with stingrays and sharks that you can pet. I took Rachel in with Elia. Elia loved to feel the rays when they would come close to the edge. Rachel wasn't as sure, but she felt one too. I'd never felt a live shark before. The stingray's skin was smooth and slimy, but the shark's really was rough like sandpaper. I'd heard that it was used for that purpose way back when... it was just neat to feel it. Thanks Dad for many happy zoo memories!

Tonight, as is our custom, we took a walk over to school. It's hard to believe that we will be done in about a month!!!! I've been meaning to take a few pictures of the campus before we leave and I finally took my camera so I could. I loved this patch of flowers:
Thunderbird and
Thunderkid... maybe we should call her a

Oh, in other big news, we found a fixer-upper. It is really the only one we thought we could afford seeing how Eric doesn't have a job yet (though our hopes are still high). Don't you think it looks cozy? It just needs a new coat of paint. I think it really has potential. We're excited to call ourselves home-owners!

OK, so it is actually a fancy bird-house on campus, but I think it is charming... maybe we'll design our next house after it. Scott S. ... did you get that?

Happy week!
Wow it looks sooo warm. In Idaho we still have snow!!
Love the birdhouse! Clever picture! And the pictures of the girls at the zoo are so cute.
Thanks for the fun time at the zoo!
The sting ray pool seems really neat. Although I have wondered lately if there have been more people uncomfortable with the idea of touching a sting ray after Steve Eurwins death and that wierd report of a woman being killed by a sting ray that jumped into her boat. Still, I think it would be really cool to pet a sting ray...
I am now on a mission to find that bird house... that is so cool - don't tell me though :D
Love the pic's - they are so cute! We need to hang out again soon before you guys move!!! And, I LOVE your music btw - it put me in the best mood just listening to it on your blog LOL~
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