I'll just start from where we are now. The kids and I went to a pumpkin patch yesterday. I went with two other women from church. The kids had a blast with their boys and came home thoroughly exhausted! I was disappointed to learn that carved pumpkins only last about five days here in the humidity and heat. Elia was most excited that the pumpkin she picked out was of the "Cinderella" variety.

This is my favorite picture! I'm not sure if this is Ethan's idea of a kiss or that he already knows how to torment girls ;)

In the evening, was another example of how great our ward has been. It's only been a week since we moved in and my visiting teachers came with flowers and a Twix for my birthday our home teachers also came with warm chocolate cake! Yep! It was my birthday. It was nice to have such thoughtfulness, because unfortunately, Eric is out of town... we'll celebrate when he gets back. My mom said she felt bad for me having to celebrate my birthday by myself and said she would pay for my dinner tonight but that I had to go to a place that would sing me happy birthday. I'm trying to figure out how to tell the waiters it is my own birthday... maybe I'll have Elia do it... but it is worth a free dinner!
Your pictures look SOOO good! Love the one of Ethan licking Elia's face, priceless!
Hey don't feel bad about not unpacking all your boxes yet! I still have a couple that I havn't unpacked and I've been here for like 2 months. Happy Birthday! It's great that you have outgoing ward members!
Happy Birthday!!! Isn't the church awesome. Having great home and visiting teachers makes moving so much easier.
My friend just had her b-day and her kids wanted to go out to eat. Her youngest really wanted the waiter to sing to her, but was too shy to ask. So she asked them to sing to her. She was embarrassed, but her son was sure happy!
I love the Ethan lick picture! Too funny. His hair is getting long.
Corbin was drawing a map today and was telling me where everyone's houses were and he pointed to the one by ours and said Elia lives here. We miss you guys! (Sorry about the novel.)
Jen - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I want to call you, but it is too late, so I'll try calling tomorrow. Bummer that Eric is out of town, but you guys will have to have a fun celebration when he gets back. You guys have an AWESOME ward, that is so nice of the vt/ht. And those pictures are so cute. I LOVE Elias pants, they are so darling. (it's katie, ps, my sign in name is messed up).
Happy Belated Birthday!!! It looks like you guys are having fun in Houston :) Elia is getting so big and is so pretty. you'd better watch out :)
Take your time unpacking. I usually rearrange what I unpacked 3 or 4 times before I like where things are.
Happy birthday Jen!! I love your pictures. Your kids are cuter than ever and your photography skills are awesome. I'm so glad your ward is taking care of you so well, especially while Eric's out of town. Make sure to go to a place where they make you wear a big funny hat while they sing happy birthday. Your kids will love that. :)
YOUR KIDS ARE DARLING JEN!, I just love elia's smile and ethan's hair!. OH AND FELIZ CUMPLEANIOS!! you should have some corn for your b-day when Eric comes back!...for good old times sake!. Hope you guys have a fun HALLOWEEN, I can't wait for your pictures!.
happy birthday! how nice that your ward is so outgoing! looks like you guys are in a good ward. good luck unpacking.
That last picture is great. Where's the pumpkin patch you visited? Happy late Birthday! I wish I would have known it was your birthday.
I love your photography blog. Your pictures are beautiful.
Happy Birthday! I know all about having birthdays by yourself. I hope you picked a fun restaurant. Kaleb loves telling the waiter/ess that it's my birthday. I always feel like an idiot, but it's so much better than cooking your own dinner on your birthday. At least you get to celebrate twice. That will be lots of fun. Glad you have such a great ward looking after you. BTW, my favorite picture is for sure the last one. That is just priceless. Way to capture the moment. That one belongs in a frame!
Happy Birthday! Sorry I didn't know earlier! Where is this pumpkin patch? Priceless pictures.. You are good!
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