Well, I never made it to getting Christmas cards out this year. I had high hopes, but, like a lot of my high hopes, it didn't happen. I've decided that is what my resolution will be this year... do more of the things I make a goal of doing. I'm reading a book by Stephen Covey called "The Speed of Trust". There is a part of it that talks about learning to trust yourself by following through on the things you tell yourself you are going to do. Anyway, here is a recap of Christmas:
New Years Eve Day: Leaf Piles (only in Texas (and a few other states) can you do this sort of thing in December!

Sugar Cookies with Grandma:

Note to Santa: "I think that cookies are sugary. Thanks for the presents."

Fried Chicken for Breakfast: A Petty Tradition

Grandma made all the kids matching dresses and vests. Eric got a vest and tie too and I got a matching hair clip. They were adorable!


Kara's new backpack:

Ethan's magnifying glass:

... and tool bench...

Elia's horse arena:

Helping open a chocolate orange:

All she really cared about:

Ethan's "Toy Story Camera"... his only request besides a watch.

I included this video because I want to remember how fun it is that Ethan got as excited about toothpaste and an electronic toothbrush as he did about all the toys and candy.
Eric carrying the crew up the stairs... on to a new year!
Oh man Jen, your kids are so dang cute. I miss you guys! Hope to see you sometime soon. And your house looks beautiful btw!
Looks like a fun holiday! That chicken looks delicious, I would love a recipe!
What a FUN Christmas you all had!!! Did you make it to UT? The girl who was going to give her ticket quit, so the tickets quit with her :(
ohhhh so fun, you and your family always seem like you are having such a blast. Love the pictures and a happy new year. I didn't get my cards out this year either, probably because the pictures I ordered came after Jan 1, so I guess I have them for next year.
Cute pictures. The girls and I loved watching the video. We miss you guys and need to see you soon. I can't believe how big Kara is!
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