Saturday, September 22, 2007

Non-perishable fridge items and bear crawls

Ethan really is on the verge of forward movement. We aren't sure whether it is going to be by bear crawl or hands and knees crawl, but he sure gets excited about getting up. We finally had to move him out of the bassinet because he would push up so far his head was almost completely over the top of the bassinet. We moved him this week into our pack and play next to our bed. It isn't ideal because he is a noisy sleeper, but we really don't have many other options. I have posted our bassinet on Craig's List (which is where I got it from) and hopefully it will sell soon.

After holding the push up pose for a while frustration at not moving usually sets in:

Then, it often ends like this: In Elia's world, she continues to amuse us. This is what I found one morning in my refrigerator. (I sure didn't think Pooh needed to be cooler and I certainly don't refrigerate my peanut butter) Earlier, I found a pacifier in the fridge and keep wondering if the lost ones will turn up there behind the moldy refried beans! However, I have absentmindedly put non-perishable items in the fridge before, so I guess I can't really complain.


Smith Family said...

Hee hee...such a cute blog entry. I can't believe Ethan is pushing baby is content to just lay and watch everyone else! I'm afraid he'll never get moving (hmmmm...maybe it is better that way).

Alisha Harris said...

Way cute kids. Ethan is one strong sumo.

Amy & Greg said...

Ha-ha-ha!! Can I package Elia up and have her to laugh with? She is so creative. I loved the picture of pooh-bear in the fridge. Hilarious!!

Ethan!! Love that. It is so fun to see him so advanced.

Tiffany said...

I laughed outloud! I love Pooh bear in a cup! So cute.

Joy said...

HA! That cracks me up! Ethan is so close to crawling, look at him go!