On the 2nd, we drove over to Quartzsite, AZ where we met my mom (who came from Yuma) and dropped the kids off. Eric and I then completed the 11.5 hour trip to Utah where he attended a conference put on through the BYU Marriot School of Business. The conference was fantastic. He heard from great speakers like Steven Covey, David Ulrich (one of the world's top five business coaches), and Bronco Mendenhall (the BYU football coach). I hung out with Tiffany while her husband Dave went to the conference with Eric. Without kids I was successfully able to go back to sleep until about 8:00 every morning. I say back to sleep because I would still wake up at about 6:30, as my body is conditioned to doing, then tell myself I didn't have kids so I could go back to sleep. Tiffany and I visited with her family and took a trip to Temple Square. I can't even believe I did this, but I brought my camera equipment without my charger or extra battery and as luck would have it (and maybe because of the temperature difference) my battery was completely dead! Some photographer I am! Luckily, Tiffany's sister had her camera and took a picture for us:
On Saturday, Eric and I began the long trip home, reclaimed our kids, and passed out back at home, uneager to unpack and begin "normal life again." However, we successfully transitioned and Eric went back to classes on Monday.
This week, I guess has felt so crazy because I've done three photography sessions! Wow! That was a little much, but we pulled it off. Elia came with me to one of the sessions and actually volunteered to have her picture taken! That NEVER happens... usually she runs away. It's been a while since I've gotten a cute picture of her and I couldn't decide if I liked the b&w or color, so I posted both. Which is your favorite? So we don't leave "little e" out, (and since his birthday is fast approaching (on Friday!!!!)), I found this picture from last month. Poor kid. He has to put up with sister dragging him and carrying him around the house and parents sticking balloons with static to his hair.... nope, that's not some strange growth to add to his list of health problems. Thanks goodness! Of course, he can't read the hymn book yet, but he does love to "sing"... probably his second favorite thing... next to eating!
This weekend, Eric went off to Duke University for a rugby tournament. His team took 9th! I drove down to my mom's with my two sick kids, who thankfully are much better now. I made 5 flower hair/headband clips, two headbands and a tutu! It was a lot of fun and much easier than you would think. I'll try to get pictures up of my "project".
Next week, we're off to the races again. Eric flies to Minneapolis then Kalamazoo, Michigan for interviews. Of course, it would be too convenient for them to be back to back, so one is on Tuesday and the other is on Friday... still, we are grateful he is having the interviews. Pray for us, cross your fingers, or do whatever you think will help us get a job!
OK, I feel better now that I've made a post... and actually it wasn't so bad considering I have a car full of stuff to unpack before I pick Eric up at the airport at 11:30 tonight! Cheers!
Wow Jen - I was totally wondering what happened to you - I haven't seen you for a while. I even went to Thunderkids a couple weeks ago and you weren't there. We also missed you guys at Regional night last night! It sounds like you have had a lot of fun (minus all the driving). So a couple of comments.
1. Spence is jealous - he is Steven Covey's biggest fan! Sounds like a neat conference.
2. I love the B&W picture of Elia.
3. So happy Eric is having those interviews, that is exciting. I hope it works out for you guys - good luck!
My mom is here all week, but maybe we can hang out sometime soon!
WOW...you HAVE been busy! Sounds like so much fun though! I like the bw version better...wow...she is a beautiful little girl! I giggled at the pic of Ethan with a balloon stuck to his head...love it!
Oh those pics of Elia are DARLING! I love them both! But I always love color more...that is just me though! You are SO awesome!
I like the color one too! She's a doll!
I like the black and white picture best, it's so cute!!!
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