Well, it is official! We have a new MBA grad in our midst. Here are a few pictures from the event:
Eric at the grad reception with the school's president, Dr. Angel Cabrera. The medals around his neck show his participation in student government and campus ambassadors.

Some of Eric's pals (left to right): Kendrick
Hanney, Ben
Stull, Eric, Tyson
After three hours of ceremony it is amazing we could get our kids to cooperate at all! They actually did a great job. There was room on the sides of the room so they didn't have to sit still the whole time. It worked out really well.

Elia with Corbin and Owen
Winward, some of her friends from
Thunderkids. They will be moving to
Puerto Rico next month!

After much confusion, we were able to round up most of the
LDS students for a picture after graduation.

So, as Eric graduated on Friday, I began to think about what pomp and circumstance meant, so I looked up the definitions:
Pomp: "Dignified or magnificent display; splendor"
Circumstance: "Formal display; ceremony"
I liked this other definition of circumstance. I think it fits our current "circumstance" better :)
"The sum of determining factors beyond willful control"
That's how it seems sometimes anyway.
Eric is looking forward to the break and is excited to not have to study anymore, though we are a little anxious about finding a job. In any case, we're keeping positive and continuing our search. We're not sure what the future holds for us, but we're sure it will be great! Thanks for all your encouragement and support.