Eric at the grad reception with the school's president, Dr. Angel Cabrera. The medals around his neck show his participation in student government and campus ambassadors.

Pomp: "Dignified or magnificent display; splendor"
Circumstance: "Formal display; ceremony"
I liked this other definition of circumstance. I think it fits our current "circumstance" better :)
"The sum of determining factors beyond willful control"
That's how it seems sometimes anyway.
Eric is looking forward to the break and is excited to not have to study anymore, though we are a little anxious about finding a job. In any case, we're keeping positive and continuing our search. We're not sure what the future holds for us, but we're sure it will be great! Thanks for all your encouragement and support.
Way to go you two. This has been a family accomplishment. You guys make an incredible team. Thanks for being such great examples.
Much love,
the best is yet to come!
CONGRATS! it is so fun to see these seems like we were just barely doing that. have so much ahead of you and i have no doubt eric will rock the post mba job search...keep us updated!!!
Hey I am excited to hang out with you this summer and good luck on the next chapter in your life...finding that perfect job.
So fun!! That picture truly is priceless with all the grads--although, I really think that Bonnie Jean should have been surrounded by all of those guys--of course they are married and may feel uncomfortable. Anyway...I love the pic with Elia and the Winwards. So cute...she is going to want to find them again someday and marry one of them.
Congrats guys!! We miss the monthly home teaching visits :) Good luck with everything we'll be sure to keep in touch!
Congratulations! You are awesome...I wish you all the best and will pray that you aren't here when we get back. ;) Only b/c I want you to have a job...otherwise it would be fun to see you and play with the kids again. Thanks again for taking Xander the other day--he still talks about it. :)
Congratulations, I love telling everyone about my brother down in AZ. We're all proud to tell stories about when Eric did this or that, you're something of a legend in the Petty lore. It will be fun to see what new stories we will get to tell.
Love ya, Mark
CONGRATS ERIC! We are (hopefully) not far behind! Although it seems like alot longer than we would like!
Congrats! What a great milestone! You must be SO proud of your hubby!! Good luck with what the future holds! It will all work out!
Congradulations on the graduation! What a great accomplishment! We are excited for you all. You all have been an inspiration to us to continue to grad school. We say, if they can do it, we can do it too, no matter what challanges lay ahead. Thanks for your great examples. We are glad that we can keep in touch via this blogspot.
yeah! Congrats to Eric! I can't wait until that is us! Good luck with the job search!
Congrats Eric for getting your MBA! We all know it's a hard journey. :) These are crazy times, but I'm looking forward to keeping in touch after our move. Jen, how am I going to find a workout partner to match your dedication??
Congratulations! You guys give me hope that we'll get through this too - and with smiles on our faces! ha ha Good Luck on the job front!
Congrats to Eric! I bet you both are glad to be done with that and looking forward to moving on. Finding a job can be so stressful! We will rememeber you in our prayers. :)
CONGRATS!!! We have loved getting to know you guys and your darling fam! If you are sticking around here (like we are) let us know and we will have to do a game night!
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