Well, it's been two weeks since I last posted, which is right about the time when we moved here. It seems like we've been here for a long time even though it's only been two weeks! It still feels like we're on vacation. We've still been applying for jobs, but we've been doing a lot with family and friends. To make up for my lack of pictures the last two weeks I am putting a lot this time... but I won't write much (well comparatively:)). See, there are trade-offs for everything. In non-photo news, Eric had two interviews last week, so we'll see what comes of those.
Elia is also in swimming class which so far has been mixed as far as results go. The other kids in her class are 7 and 8-year-olds and she got a little frustrated because the teacher doesn't know quite how to work with her and tailoring the exercises for her because she can't go as far as the other kids... We'll talk with him on Monday and just see if he can just relax with her a little. We wanted to challenge her, not make her hate swimming :)
Also, I went to a two day photography seminar with the photographer I've been helping. Eric was so good to watch the kids all day long and the information was really interesting and helpful. It was also nice to just trade information with the other photographers there.
Here are our photo highlights from the past two weeks:
Hiking up Logan Canyon:

Visiting the local nature center. It is hard to tell, but this was the turtle tank. They also had animal bones, a snake, a tarantula and other fun kid activities:

We went to the temple with Eric's cousin's family. Elia loves hanging out with their four-year-old Emily.

Is this the face of a girl who loves cotton candy? We bought some at the local artists' fair:

They had a children's art area set up where the kids could do painting. Elia LOVED it and I am considering getting painting equipment for her birthday:

Eric's 10 year class reunion was this weekend. Of the people there, Eric had visited the most countries. They also arranged for discount tickets to the Jensen Historical farm. Elia loved feeding willow to the goats and burro:

Got her very own pony ride:

We all pet this very tame turkey! Yes, a turkey! It was so cool. It just stood there and closed its eyes while you pet it.

I just like this picture of Ethan. He is still just crawling everywhere and his teeth total is still at four:

I wanted to tell one more quick story. We were putting Elia to bed today and sometimes she holds on to Eric's neck tightly and won't let go. He got away and she wanted to give him another hug. He said, "Will you let go?" Her reply was, "Don't say that" (While smiling the whole time). It was so funny to see her honesty and logic.... and you guessed it, Eric had to fight to get away again!
Glad you guys are having fun in UT! We miss you!
Sounds like you are having a lot of fun! I love the picture of Ethan reaching for the flowers and the story of Elia at bedtime!
I agree, very cute picture of Eithan. Cute pictures of everyone. Make the most of your "vacation". You will be unpacking and moving again before you know it. Good luck with everything.
I am so happy you updated! I love those pictures and are happy that things are going well in Logan. That first picture of Ethan is SO CUTE! And I love that picture of Elia riding on the horse. Fun that you guys went to Eric's 10 year reunion. We are going to Spencer's the end of August. Crazy! We miss you guys - keep those updates going.
I love that photo of Elia on the horse, I love sepia and black and white photos. I was so glad I ran into you guys, and of all places swimming lessons. It's always good to run into friends. It looks like you are hitting all the highlights of Logan while you're waiting to find out where you'll land for good. We're glad you're here!
we've been in utah for a few weeks and now we are back to az... we missed you guys! i wish you could have taken our family picture!!! i'm so not on top of things these day...
I miss you guys and I miss the fun that Utah summers bring. Hope to see you soon!
We are still in Logan. Would love to get together. How are things? Logan definitely is nothin' but fun!!!
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