Where do I start.... It has been a crazy two weeks.... to say the least. Last Tuesday and Wednesday, Eric had a sore throat and didn't feel like doing anything but sleeping. On Thursday Eric left with his friend Matthew on a three day canoe trip:

They had 11 canoes (with two people in each one) and had a blast. They ate like they were at a luxury resort (e.g. stuffed french toast, steak, paprika chicken and dutch oven potatoes, etc.) and had a blast navigating through rapids on the Snake River. I was totally jealous!

On Friday night, while Eric was still away, I developed a sore throat and didn't want to do anything. It hit hard on Saturday and I was basically a lump on the couch while Nancy took the kids the whole day (Eric didn't return until late Saturday night). I didn't feel any better on Sunday. In fact, I don't remember EVER feeling so awful. I couldn't eat, I couldn't drink, I couldn't even swallow my own spit it hurt so bad! I slept for 1 hour on Saturday night (I
scrapbooked the rest of the time). My throat just hurt so bad. On Monday I got into the doctor and found out I had "textbook" strep throat. I got a shot and started the recovery process. I felt better on Tuesday (though I had hoped I could drink on Monday) and today I ate my first solid food! Hooray! These are some of the things I have a renewed sense of gratitude for after having strep:
- Breathing (my throat felt so closed I couldn't breathe very well)
- A big tall glass of water. I would get a mouthful of water and just let it sit in my mouth before I had to spit it out because I couldn't swallow it. I was so thirsty by the end!
- Food. I really was hungry, but I couldn't eat anything. I lost 5 pounds in 3 days but it was probably all of my hard-earned muscle mass and the easy-go water weight.
- My husband and in-laws. They helped so much with the kids, I don't know what I would have done without them.
- Sleep. It was a rough couple of nights, and I had Eric sleep in the other room so I wouldn't keep him up.
I'm just glad the worst is over. Thank goodness for medicine.
I'm glad I got better when I did. I had schedule for a group of neighbors from church to go to the bug lab at USU. The kids (and adults) had a blast! Here are some highlights:

Now those are SOME grasshoppers:

The trip went very well, for there being so many children. Everyone had at least two kids and some even had three. Our guide let me hold a display case of butterflies for the picture.

After the kids looked at the bugs, the lady giving the tour took out a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. Elia was first... and last to hold it. She loved it so much she wanted to hold it again! She laughed and said it tickled as it crawled up her arm. Later she told us the cockroach was her favorite part of the trip. That's our girl! I guess wearing all those dresses everyday haven't affected her too much :)

sayonara (I didn't know how that was spelled until today) until next time!
Jen - what the 5lbs in 3 days! You poor thing, sore throats are the worst, so I can imagine that strep is not fun at all. I cant' believe you stayed up scrapbooking! Glad to hear you are feeling better - can you talk yet? Eric's pic's from his trip look beautiful! The mountains in the background are just gorgeous! And the bug lab looked like the kiddos had fun!
You organized a play group? Just can't live without Thunderkids can ya?? :) I'm glad to see you are having fun...it's kinda fun to be jobless isn't it??? :)
Strep is what I had for Christmas. So much fun! I am grateful for all those things too. I think Eric should have taken you on that trip too. Hope to see you soon. We will let you know if we are coming this weekend.
PS Which dam is that where Eric started their trip? Palasades?
Sorry you were sick. I'm glad you're feeling better. I've had strep three times this year and it definitely is no fun. You are blessed to have so many people to help you out. We've done the bug lab. They do such a great job there and the kids love it.
Isn't it nice to be around family when you're sick!? Glad to hear you're feeling better - and that the kiddos didn't get it too!
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry about your strep throat! I have a weakness for it and I DON'T envy ANYONE who has it or wish it on anyone. When I was reading all of the bad parts, I could totally relate. I know the minute it is strep...it is the worst pain imaginable! I am so glad that you are feeling better. It is no fun to be sick, especially when you are a mom.
What a loaded post! So many things going on with the Pettys. Glad you are on the mend and didn't even have to miss out on the bug collection! How did Eric just get one day of the yucky throat and you got full-blown strep??? Aargh. At least it didn't ruin his trip! Looks like you're keeping out of trouble!
Oh man, that stinks about you being sick...and while Eric was having an incredible time. I looked at that picture of him with the beautiful scenery in the background and it made me really jealous! We are still in AZ. dying in this heat. Wish we were up in Utah. We miss you guys!
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