Well, it is finally July. We've been in Logan just over a month now. The weather has been great.
Eric's brother and his family came for a visit from Montana. Elia loved hanging out with her two girl cousins (ages 12 and 10). They were giving her attention like the big sisters she's always wanted but will never have. One of the nights they were here we had a big family get together at the park. It was like a family reunion! Eric's parents, sister and her family, cousin and family, other cousin and family, aunt and uncle, great uncle and grandma were all there. We acted like kids and played tag on the playground. All of the adults were hurting the next day. Are we getting old?
Eric is still doing interviews and Jen just found out that she's going to start working more for the local photographer we mentioned earlier. She'll be taking family and child portraits. She is really excited! She's also been doing a few family and child portraits on her own. She's trying to get through some wedding pictures she took to get those up too. You can see them on the photography blog: www.pettyphotography.blogspot.com
In other news, we've sure been enjoying the beautiful outdoors here. Eric went camping with Elia, his cousin Dave and Dave's two kids (Jen stayed home with Ethan and watched a chick-flick with Dave's wife Paula):

Happy Independence Day! We first celebrated on Monday, June 30th. Eric's cousin Cyndee put together a party. We presented on the Declaration of Independence. Let me know if you want the quiz we gave. Other people did musical numbers. We had a great time! Way to go Cyndee! On July 3rd, we watched the Logan fireworks from the roof of Eric's parent's house.

We actually put Elia to bed at 7:30 then woke her up at 10:00 for the fireworks. I took over 100 pictures, but here are just a couple:

We've also been going on hikes and bike rides. On average, we do one or the other every other morning. Here are some pictures from our hike to the
Windcaves up Logan Canyon:

Elia does so well at hiking. She complains a little bit going up, but we recharge her with M&M's at our stopping points. We don't take the backpack because we think she would want to ride too much. Instead, we give her short piggy back rides to give her a break. She loves going though. She went the 3-hour round trip hike almost all by herself. We gave her maybe 4-5 2-minute piggy back rides. I got a little obsessed with taking pictures of flowers on our hike, so here are a just a couple of my favorites:

We couldn't leave "little e" out of the post. Here is a picture of how we found him one morning... Yep, he had managed to take off his
PJ bottoms, diaper and everything but one arm of his top. Needless to say, we don't put him in two-piece PJ's anymore:

Here are some pictures from around beautiful Cache Valley: