We went to the nearest beach on Wednesday. It is about an hour away. We asked some heavily-accented people at a gas station if they could direct us to the beach. They told us of one where we would have to pay and then this one just a little further down. We got there and you were supposed to just drive on the beach! How cool is that?

We had a great time swimming in the waves and then eating at this classic beach restaurant. Speaking sarcastically, this restaurant was about the healthiest place we could have chosen. The food was practically all deep-fried and I had to take the kids outside more than once because of the cigarette lighting. I am super sensitive for Ethan's sake and I would try to go outside to avoid the second-hand smoke. The building was clever, but I probably wouldn't recommend it.

We also got to go to the Houston temple. The wife of a couple we met in the ward watched the kids in the morning... that was a great help!

Here is a video of Ethan's guide to staying entertained in rush hour traffic... Like rain, it happens a lot around here too.
So I heard throgh the grape vine that your offer on the house was excepted and you have a tenitive closing date. Are you going to give us more info on that? Cute kids. Glad to see E is walking all the time. Looks like all is well in Tx.
So I heard throgh the grape vine that your offer on the house was excepted and you have a tenitive closing date. Are you going to give us more info on that? Cute kids. Glad to see E is walking all the time. Looks like all is well in Tx.
I can't wait to see pics of your new house! It looks so wonderful to have so much rain!!! To answer your question, of course I will give you deco advice! Hope Eric
is enjoying his new job!!!
First I must say, I'm jealous you have a beach only an hour away. That's like a dream. I love the ocean. Second of all, how creative and fun are you to take the garbage out that way? I never would have thought of that in a million years. Lastly, I love that it just downpours there with warm rain. If it were cold, you could never have that as an entertainment option!
I love the singing in the rain video. He's getting so big and cute as ever!
I love those videos of Ethan - they are sooo cute! His laughing made me laugh. I also love the idea of letting them play in the rain--I use to LOVE puddle jumping as a kid.
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