We had a great time staying with her friends in St. George and "hanging out" with the girls. We all drove back to Salt Lake City on Sunday where we met Nancy. We spent Monday morning at the Children's Science Museum and then Nancy and the kids and I went to spend the afternoon with Eric's sister's family. I think we wore Elia out, plus I wasn't sure if I had any pictures that showed how she sucks her fingers so, while we can't see the end of finger sucking in sight, I thought I would document it:

I had to share some pictures of Ethan in our sink tub, so I thought I would share some pictures. He doesn't exactly fit, but he sure thought it was fun.

The kids have been having a great time in the snow. It has been snowing ALL DAY today and the kids came outside while we shoveled the driveway (something I definitely don't miss). Elia loved jumping from one snow mound to the next...

Of course, what is snow without snowmen. Elia and I made an "Elia" snowwoman and a new baby snowperson. We haven't gotten around to an "Ethan" snowman yet, but it has been ordered. After Elia put the head on I told her when I came back to put her arm around the snowgirl so I could take her pictures. I thought it was as cute from the back as the front:
P.S. For all of you out there who don't have a webcam to video chat with your family, now is the time to buy one. K-mart has a special (that started Sunday) on the Clique Hue webcam. $14! It is so cheap. My sister now has one and I bought one for Eric to take on work trips. Go get one if you don't have one and you can keep in touch with your family so much better!
What an amazing deal, thanks for posting that! Your kids are so adorable, they just keep getting cuter!
Woo woo. Cute pictures Jen, especially the one with you and your sister. You look beautiful. It was great to see you on Monday! Enjoy the snow for the rest of your week in Utah! :)
Webcams are so great! What a fun trip to Utah - i loved the pics. Your kids are so CUTE!!
You and your sis look great in the picture. Was it a timed thing, or did someone take it for you? I like your hair like that. Beautiful!
One question, why the sink instead of the tub? It looks like he was having a great time! Are you back yet? We will have to skype again soon. Take Care!
What cute pictures! I love the snowman one! You are your sister are too cute!
You and your sister look a lot alike! Fun pictures! I love the sink one!
I love your hairdo in the pic with your sister. It looks great! Thanks for the info on the webcam. I've been wanting to get one of those but haven't really looked into it.
Your pictures of the kids in the snow are great. The one of Elia and the snowman is too cute.
Your hair in that photo is so cute. It's gotten so long since I saw you this last summer. I'm so glad you had fun on your trip, and your kids got to play in the snow. What a good use of frequent flyer miles:)
I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Congrats on the upcoming that is so exciting you got to show pregnancy pictures I am sure you are adorable with a little stomach. Hope all is well in Texas. We miss you guys.
You look awesome in the pic with your sister! Very glam:)
My kids talk more to your blog than they do whrn we skype with you... a bit backwards - need to work on that.
hey comment 11 was me - Paula - but you probably figured that
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