-My mom left Friday morning, but before she left I got some fun pictures of her with the kids...

-My mom was a great help... Among other things, she made this outfit for Elia (I've started making another skirt for Elia with the same pattern), folded laundry, shredded a bag of chicken so I would have some in reserve for future meals, helped with the kids while I took breaks, watched the kids so Eric and I could play volleyball together, played Settler's of Catan games with us, had fun shopping for some new clothes for Elia for school, and took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. She also contributed to helping us break the cycle of locking the kids bedroom door at night. See, we locked the door when we first put them to bed because Ethan would be in and out like a yo-yo, but now we don't have to. She did it once while we were out at their bedtimes and now they stay in for us too. Sometimes you just need another person to shake things up. Thanks mom!

-The magazine issue is almost done! Hooray! I'm excited to start over for the next issue... I know I haven't finished this one yet, but I'm excited to improve my process and be more organized for the next one.
-I had fun watching Ethan play in the rain. Notice the multi-functionality of his rainboots... he was making me a birthday cake.

He is always cooking something, going to work or carrying something in a bag. He is famous for saying "look at me" whenever he talks to us because he's figured out that we are paying more attention to him when we have to look at him, he also loves saying, "Closeyoureyes!" and then a half a second later, "Openthem"... "I have a present!" He says the first two so quickly that you might think they were one word.
Once Eric did this to Ethan and Ethan did it back. He was kind enough to repeat it for the video camera!
I like these types of blogs that share a little more about everyday life because I know it is the cute little things that the kids do that I'm going to want to remember. Thanks for checking in!Hope everyone has a great week!
I love that Ethan says "look at me!" That totally cracks me up, so cute. Everything in your post was so cute, glad your mom was such a big help.
Very cute and smart boy. Fun to see pictures of your mom. The lady that has the horses that we have ridden in the past reminds me of her. We will have to post a picture sometime. Fun seeing your world. Have a good week.
How cute are your kids?? I love Ethan in his rainboots!! So precious!
Love Elia's outfit. Everything is cuter with Ric-Rac! I want some rain! Can you send some our way? Oh, I forget...we live in the desert. It is called that for a reason.
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