I've noticed that the longer I wait to write a post, the harder it gets to do it. I think that's true about a lot of things in life including housework, organizing paperwork, keeping the car clean, and cleaning out the fridge, just to name a few... which is probably why I get so behind in some of those things... Well, I've vowed to turn over a new leaf. Eric and I listened to church conference this past weekend and heard the story about they guy who said he decided he would never miss a day of scripture study and though some days he only read a little bit, he still got it done and hasn't missed a day. Here it is in writing... Eric and I have decided to commit to do that too. Maybe my persistence will carry over to some of those other things that are so easy to put off. So, here it goes....
The benefits of being small. Elia wanted to try it after, but we told her she couldn't :(

First, a few of my favorite sayings:
1) Ethan: "What the heck. That's a bad word. We don't say that?" (After we've told him again and again of course that we don't want him saying that).
2) Elia wanted to sleep on the floor last night. Ethan was in his bunk, but then I heard giggling. I asked from the other room... "Elia, is Ethan in bed?"
2) Elia wanted to sleep on the floor last night. Ethan was in his bunk, but then I heard giggling. I asked from the other room... "Elia, is Ethan in bed?"
"No, he's laying by me."
"Is that ok?"
Elia-"Yeah, is that OK with you?"
"...(smiling to myself)... Yes... as long as you guys go to sleep."
WOW! My opinions actually matter to her?!?! WOW!
(Footnote: of course they didn't go to sleep and they eventually got put back in their own beds).
Now, here is the month in pictures:
Church 50's sock hop. Eric helped serve and I made Kara's poodle skirt in about 10 minutes... with no pattern might I add. (I lucked out and had purchased Elia's outfit from a garage sale for $1 last month (Thanks Birdie!))
That same day I also watched PJ as his mom was in the hospital delivering their second. Ethan and PJ are about the same age... I know you wouldn't be able to tell that by their height. Most of the time they get along just great. For some reason, sticking out your tongue at the camera was what I got when I told them to smile...

Church 50's sock hop. Eric helped serve and I made Kara's poodle skirt in about 10 minutes... with no pattern might I add. (I lucked out and had purchased Elia's outfit from a garage sale for $1 last month (Thanks Birdie!))
Kara... poor girl. I have good intentions of taking more pictures, but I haven't taken very many recently. She is just starting to smile a ton when you talk to her... yeah! I love that! This was her at six weeks. She's two months today and changing so fast!
Last Saturday Eric did his first official bike race... a 70 miler in Lufkin, TX. I'm so proud of him... he took a picture! He said they rode well and it was quite a change because, yes, folks, there were actually hills! What a shock!
Meanwhile, I stayed with the kids. We went to the airport open house. It was more impressive than I thought it would be. They had Apache helicopters, A-10's, lots of old planes the kids could sit in, Learjets, news helicopters, and gliders. Oh, and take note of Elia's skirt. I made it! 

In honor of Grandpa:
First off the guy you are talking about from conference was my next door neighbor all growing up, cool huh? He did a great job! Second, the ward party looked amazing. All of the outfits turned out SO CUTE! I can't believe how big Kara looks, and you did a great job with her skirt... and Elia's skirt, hello mrs seamstress. Great job to Eric on the 70 miler! Ok look - when you post a whole month at a time, my comment gets a little lengthy!
Good to see some more of what is happening in your life. Kara is beautiful! She is getting big fast, isn't she. Congrats to Eric and the 70 miler. Can't imagine doing that myself. He must have buns of steal! Mark will be discussed, just because he wishes he could do it! Good luck with your new goal! I need to make that one too.
So cute!
You're family is so adorable. Your new baby girl is to die for, I'm so happy you're doing well! Miss you guys!
sounds like you guys are doing great and staying busy. hope all is well!
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