Well, I can finally talk about my surprise for Eric's 30th birthday! It was so hard for me to keep the surprise, but the excitement at the end was totally worth it! On Wendesday I dropped the kids off at our friends', the Forbushes, house and I gave Eric these (U2 360 Tour tickets):

He was totally surprised and totally psyched. U2 is one of his favorite groups, if not his favorite group and the concert was awesome!.... A little loud, but awesome. This was the stage...

And here's a picture.... It is so hard of course to get pictures in the concert because it is so dark, but of course the screen is huge and has a great picture. We actually had pretty decent seats and since I bought them off craig's list and negotiated with the seller, I got them for about half price of what they retailed for. I was pretty proud of myself and after all of the agony about whether this is what I should spend our birthday money on or not, I'm really glad we did. We didn't get home until 1 and were totally exhausted the rest of the week, but it was worth it. Thanks so much Craig and Lynette! They watched all three kids and Lynette put them to bed at our house and stayed up until 1 a.m. when we got back. Plus, they live across the street from the stadium so we parked for free at their place and walked over.

Here's a little video...
On Thursday, Eric got called about being involved in a dragon boat race. I had signed him up when I heard about it because it seemed interesting, but it didn't seem like anything would happen, but then one team needed an extra rower. Eric had a great time (though was completely exhausted after and couldn't bend over at all today because his back was so sore). Here's his team during the race (I put a little green circle around his head)....

Here they are after...

His team won the rookie cup!... He didn't get to keep the trophy, but I thought it was cool enough to warrant a photo...

They also had great entertainment including a lion dance, martial arts performances, asian drum performances, etc. It was a blast.

The race this year was to raise awareness for breast cancer. They had pink firetrucks that were towing this pink ribbon. We gave a cheer to Gram when we took this picture...

Today, we held an "October Birthdays" party. It started off as just and idea to invite a few friends over for cake to celebrate our birthdays, but then I got to talking with another girl in the ward whose husband has a birthday in October. We expanded it and decided to meet at a park because the weather has been so nice. We ended up having right around 40 people!. A few people brought extra treats to share and we had plenty. Here is the cake Kellie and I made. We put chocolate shavings and chocolate stars on top of cream cheese frosting. Everyone enjoyed it so much that they want to do it again in November. So, Happy Birthday to us!

Fun week, but very exhausting.
Wow, you are really finding a lot of ways to live it up! Mark would love those tickets for a gift as well. Though he probably wouldn't let me pay for them. Ask Erik if Mark influenced his introduction to U2? I seem to remember a trip to Idaho when he was younger where he was introduced to U2 blaring from the speakers in Mark's little (then) blue truck. The seed was planted. It was in high school when the I was introduced to them. Man, they have been around a long time, and are still GREAT!
we went to u2 in chicago last month...wasn't it AWESOME?!?!?!!?
I am so jealous you went to U2. My friends are headed to the one in Vegas this weekend. The dragon boat race looks like a lot of fun too. What a unique thing to be involved in. Looks like you guys are all doing great and life is good:)
Great job on your surprise! What fun, and I love the trophy! Happy Birthday!
Glad the concert was a success. Lynette was amazing, that was sweet of her to take the kids home to your house. Your cakes always are amazing!
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