Halloween and the week prior turned out to be a little crazy to say the least. Elia was sick the Sunday before Halloween, Eric and Ethan got sick on Tuesday and Wednesday and then I started to get sick Thursday night. We took Eric to the airport early Friday morning so he could go through the temple with his nephew who is going on a mission. I was so sick on Friday and then Ethan decided that one sickness wasn't enough and he spiked a 102 degree fever again on Friday. Luckily I got him in to the doctor (I called at 3:30 on Friday afternoon and they were able to see him as the last patient of the day) and my suspicions that he had pneumonia were confirmed. We got him on antibiotics. I had a 103 degree fever on Friday and felt pretty bad still on Saturday, but I still managed to get the kids to the trunk-or-treat. On Sunday I felt better and took the kids to sacrament meeting, though I felt Ethan shouldn't go to nursery still. We picked Eric up from the airport on Sunday afternoon and I told him that he owes me a sick day during Christmas break. I never got the sick treatment since he was gone the whole time... to his credit, he did take care of me Thursday night when I felt the worst even though he wasn't 100 percent better. Considering my condition, I'm lucky I took any pictures of the kids in their costumes, but here they are...

Ethan was convinced that spider man wore boots, hence the rain boot addition. Elia went back and forth from a witch to tinkerbell and finally decided to be a ballerina (quite easy considering she had ballet that day). Not to be a party pooper, I pulled out these two M&M costumes for Kara and I.
On Tuesday before Halloween while the boys were sick in bed I took Elia to pick out a pumpkin.

I never get very many pictures of her, so I thought I would include this one of my little five-year-old... not so little any more is she?

In other news, our "little red" is getting older too... I took these pictures on Friday for her "three-month" mark. Where does the time go? She is such a wonderful baby. I shouldn't put this out there because I know there are many moms who would be jealous, but she sleeps from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m. every night and is pretty content during the day. It is such a blessing to me that she isn't a needy baby... God must have known I needed to keep my sanity. She will smile at anyone who talks to her and especially loves when Elia does pat-a-cake.
Sleepy baby...
Kara and her little faux hawk...
Well, this week we are getting back on track. We renewed our workout routine a week ago Monday and then Tuesday sickness infiltrated our house and, well, everything went to pot. Here's to a new week and new goals!
Kara is beautiful. What a cutie. Looks like Halloween was fun. As always, great photos:)
Kara is beautiful. What a cutie. Looks like Halloween was fun. As always, great photos:)
Oh my gosh, you have got to post more pics of that beautiful baby! I can NOT believe how much she has grown!! 3 months already! She is so dang cute and looks so "Pettyish" I really great mix! Love her.
Sorry to hear about your sickness, hope you guys are all feeling better. I think that is amazing about Kara's sleeping. I am almost done with Babywise, and I am trying to follow it to a tee - the sooner I can get Tallie to sleep through the night, the better! Also, Kara is darling, LOVE her hair!
Wow, does Kara look different! Cute girl. Had no idea she was a red head. Glad you are feeling better. We dodge the bullet here. Only Mason got really sick when it cam through our house. (Knock on wood.)
Sorry to hear you have been sick, no fun! Love the picts of Kara, what a cutie!
Hope you are feeling better. I LOVE the new pictures of Kara. she is darling!
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