Elia was so happy dancing! It was fun to see her do something she loves.

The whole group...

Elia is second from the right in the following picture...
Speaking of Elia, her personality has totally been changing this past month. She is so enjoyable to be around. She is much more self-directed, is so helpful, and more creative. She still has her moments, of course, but it seems she has more confidence. It's really been fun to see her create actual pictures instead of just smooshes of colors on a piece of paper. She learned how to draw a star last week at church. I stepped her through it and after a few tries was covering her paper with stars.

In the home improvement area, we painted our kitchen... It's only been a year since we first wanted to do it, but couldn't because we had less time after closing and moving in. It was fun. We painted it this yellowy color called "charismatic". (I liked the name too).

Today was stake conference. About 30 minutes from the end I look over and Ethan is sleeping. My friend took this picture. He's sitting on our book bag, but for the first 30 minutes he was actually standing up sleeping on the bench. It was so cute (though not so cute when we got home and wasn't tired enough for a regular nap).

I think that is about it. Eric and I are yet again turning over new leaves this week (in regards to going to bed early, waking up on time, exercising, etc. etc. etc.... (Good thing we have an endless supply of leaves to turn over)... so here's to our good ambitions!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
P.S. Kim T. - if you read this, I can't get in your blog anymore, so send me an e-mail! Please! I really appreciate all your comments and want to check up on what you guys are doing so thanks!
Fun post! Love the pic of Ethan sleeping at church and great yellow kitchen! That reminds me, you never posted pics of your house after you got moved in!!
SOO cute Jen!! I love the little dancing videos of Elia. She is getting prettier all the time. And what a great picture to catch Ethan sleeping in church. You'll be able to get a lot of miles out of that one when he gets older. ;) I like Erika's idea of showing some pictures of your house. I'd love to see them too. You've done a great job with your kitchen.
That is an awesome picture of Ethan! I miss padded church benches! (and AC in church too!) Elia is getting so grown up! What a great ballerina! Your kitchen looks awesome!
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