Sunday, March 21, 2010

Alligators, Friends and Fun Photography

I've become one of those bloggers that I used to scold. The kind that post once every other month! I can't believe it's been six weeks since I posted. Where does the time go?
So since I last posted, Elia broke her arm while running around the kitchen with Ethan. To make a long story short, we didn't know it was broken, so we waited almost two weeks to take her in. She got this sweet cast in time for Valentines Day, then, less than a week later (thanks to a very naive mother who believed she could keep her arm on the edge of the tub), got her cast soaking wet. We managed to slide it off, blow it dry, but couldn't get it on the next morning... so we cut the cast open, pried it open and slid it back on her arm. It sounds simple, but it was definitely NOT easy. The original cast cost $800 and if we could make the old one work, then we were going to! Thankfully, when we took her for her post cast x-rays, her arm was completely healed. As a side note, following this experience, I thought it would be very interesting to add up exactly what you spent on each of your kids over the year (besides food). I'm not organized enough to do this, but I sure think it would be interesting.
Elia also lost her first tooth on February 23rd. We were all pretty excited. The toothfairy decided the exchange for the first tooth would be a silver dollar.
Also new to me is joining facebook. I think I'm just about the last person I know to join, it's nice to catch up on people I haven't seen for a very long time.
Nana and Grandpa finished their wonderful visit... It only took a little persuading to get Ken in a photo :)
By the way Ken, we found the secret to watching the Olympics. Someone has to stand holding the antenna in this exact spot to get NBC. If only we had known that when you were here! :)
It's sad, but true, Eric spent much time in this position so we could watch speed skating, figure skating and bobsledding. I think the Olympics inspired Eric and one afternoon we spent some time in the back yard watching Eric do trampoline tricks.My dad came for a visit at the beginning of March. We had a great time visiting some of Houston's best sites. Including the San Jacinto monument
I love this family... These two girls were sweet to come up to a photo shoot for the magazine and watch the kids while I helped with the shoot. The kids had a blast... If anyone else has a 10-year-old they would like to farm out for a little bit. I'll take them! And finally, our most recent activity. Camping with the Forbushes at Brazos Bend. We saw a ton of alligators and some awesome birds. The weather was perfect and getting out into nature was exactly what my spirit needed to refresh itself...
It's hard to believe that this...and this...
Grew from this:I loved the birds too. This one caught a crawfish...
After it's meal...
I think I took about 20 pictures of this cardinal. His bright colors against the drab scenery were just so striking to me. This image is SOOC (Straight out of camera) with no color pops.
The kids (notice Ethan's new haircut):
I've been getting into playing with my nature pics.
Maybe a little too bright... especially compared with the last one, but I like it.
And so you can see what it used to be:
These girls are like cousins... It doesn't matter how long they go inbetween visits... When they get together they are like best friends.
I LOVE the expression on Elia here. It is just so peaceful and sweet, though it makes me
realize how much she has grown up. Kindergarten is only 6 months away! Now we're done with the setting sun,

If you hung in there, congrats! Here's to a new week. Eric's gone to London (how exciting for him) and I am totally jealous, but I'm so excited for him that he gets to go to such a cool place. I'll get there someday... soon hopefully! :)


Amy & Greg said...

Ah, Jen! Such fun. Camping with the Forbushes, broken arms, fantastic photos. I miss you guys. So much fun! Love Ethan's haircut. We just got Andrew's cut. Yipee! He looks handsome. I am laughing about the Olympics. We were lucky enough to borrow rabbit ears and converter to get the Olympics, but we almost didn't. Glad you got to enjoy them a little bit.

Tiffany said...

Love the pictures Jen. I'm sad to hear that Elia broke her little arm, but glad that she has such smart parents. Way to fix her cast by yourself. I love the pictures of your kids in the field. What great smiles and I love the colors. And I'm totally laughing at the thought of Eric having to stand there holding the antennae. What a good sport. Maybe that's why he was so ready to do some trampoline tricks. He already felt like he was a part of it. We saw a lot of the Olympics too and loved it! By the way, you look beautiful in the picture with your dad. What a gorgeous girl. And last... what were you doing camping with alligators?? Crazy. :) p.s I agree with Amy, we miss you too!

Bobbi Leavitt said...

dont feel bad jen, i dont have a facebook account. i am afraid i will get sucked in and my kids wont have a mom anymore!
maybe oneday i will see you on face book. :)

Cristina said...

Wow, Jen, those alligator pictures are pretty awesome!!

Nells-Bells said...

such great pics! i especially love the one of the girls running down the lane. pretty. thanks for sharing. :)