Well, we aren't expecting a white Christmas, but today, while at our former home it is snowing, we are experiencing a downpour. It is a fun change (though I couldn't do a photography session today) and Elia gave me a good laugh:
You know you've lived in Arizona too long when your kid says,
Elia: "Mama, what are those?"
Me: "Those are windshield wipers."
Elia: "What are they doing?"
Me: They are wiping the rain off the windshield
I guess all that singing of "The wipers on the bus go, swish, swish, swish" didn't prepare her for the real thing. It got me wondering, "Just what does she think about when she sings that song?"
Another thing that cracks us up about Elia is her infatuation with these princess shoes I bought at an after-Halloween sale. She insists on having them put at the end of her bed at nap time (she'd wear them if we let her) and when she wakes up we hear this "clop, clop, clop" as she makes her way through the kitchen. She loves wearing them (though we don't let her go out of the house with them) and has them on almost every chance she can.

In Ethan's world, things seem to be much better. Though he might never be a doctor because he now has a fear/hate of things over his nose and mouth and so would never want to wear a mask, the breathing treatments are finally done and he seems to be better. Tomorrow we come out of our quarantine (though it isn't officially that, it has sort of felt like it). I've had to rely a lot on people to help with Elia so that she wouldn't go crazy being cooped up in the house with us. I usually drop her off at the determined activity, take Ethan away, then rely on someone to bring her home, or I go and get her at the end. He's finally sleeping, which is a miracle because when he was on that medicine, he would sleep for about 30 minutes the whole day! Eric liked this sceen and insisted I take a picture of just his arm sticking out of the slats (left side).

Yesterday, Ethan's tooth finally sprouted! So far, it's only his right one that has pushed through, but the left bottom one looks like it is close behind. I wonder if there is any correlation between which tooth comes through first and something like personality... I bet that would make a good
dissertation for someone.
Today I spent from 10:00 until 2:00 (with a break at 10:40 for flue shots) making two "Super Saturday" (Church craft days) crafts. I couldn't make it to the real activity, so I had to find time to make the crafts. The girl who was in charge of all the crafts kindly spent four hours helping myself and two others who also missed the event. One of the crafts was a family home evening board, and one was this cool antiqued clock:

Elia was extremely patient for those four hours and Ethan took a nap part of the time. It helped that there were three other kids there to provide entertainment.
Tomorrow, Eric leaves us for two days to go to one of his best friend's wedding in Salt Lake. I'm supposed to do two photography sessions (if it doesn't rain), one baby shower, take Eric to the airport, and I want to go to this mini christmas-boutique where a friend is displaying some cool vinyl-lettered tiles that are for sale.

Let's see. Is that it? I hope so! I'll let you know if I make it through the weekend!