Well, after one and a half months in Houston we are experiencing our first hurricane! First of all, thanks to everyone who has called and texted to find out how we are doing. Hurricane Ike is headed right for Houston. It is supposed to cause the most damage in Galveston, the place we went just two weeks ago on Labor Day (see previous post). Evacuations aren't mandatory for us and we feel our building is pretty safe, so we've decided to wait it out. We've parked our car on the second story parking just in case there is flooding.
I was supposed to be headed for Utah this weekend to get our stuff ready to come down. I was initially going to leave Saturday, I called Wednesday and changed the flight to Friday then was told yesterday that the airport would be closed Friday and Saturday. I am scheduled to leave Sunday morning, so we'll see how that goes.
We've filled our bathtubs with water, purchased extra water bottles and food and hoping the power outage doesn't last too long. They said it could last up to two weeks if the power does go out! I put everything I could in the freezer with the hopes that it will at least buy us a couple of days. We did one really silly thing... we went to a store and they were having sales on a lot of food. Eric saw his favorite thing on sale: frozen cinnamon and bought five bags... we forgot that if we have a power outage for more than a couple of days, they won't be any good!

Maybe we are just naive about what is coming, but it is sort of exciting... Is that bad? Don't get me wrong, I know that a lot will be destroyed and of course I think that will be awful, but it just sort of seems like an adventure right now.

We went on a walk this evening about 6:30. The streets were deserted:

We went to look out at the top of Eric's office garge. The wind really started blowing. The eye of the hurricane is supposed to travel right over downtown Houston which is where we are. It is supposed to get here in the early morning (like 2 or so).
If we have power tomorrow we'll keep everyone posted, but we feel we'll be OK here. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.
We're keeping you in our prayers! But I agree - it sounds like a fun adventure! BE SAFE!
good luck! we too have our pantry full and increased our water supply to be as prepared as we can be. we are obviously not right in the path as you are, but with the power outages and possible tornados heading our way, we are feeling the excitement/anxiousness you are...
Be careful Petty's! We will keep you in our prayers!
Good luck with everything. Hopefully everything will be ok and you'll just have fun memories to share!
Good luck! We will be thinking about you! You are in our prayers.
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