Labor Day brings back lots of memories since I went into labor on that day four years ago when Elia was born! This year, her birthday was on a Saturday, so it was fun to have a party on her actual birthday since that doesn't happen very often (...though maybe I thought it was cooler than everyone else did... who knows)!
Everyone we invited came! I thought this was neat because that doesn't happen very often either. I guess it isn't too hard when you only invite five families, but we had a great time. Here was Elia's announcements. I am including it because I love these pictures of her.
Elia really wanted an "Ariel" cake... from "The Little Mermaid". I am usually up for a good cake challenge, but I didn't have any of my supplies and all the cakes I looked at on the Internet didn't really look like Ariel... plus, I bought this really cool "giant cupcake" mold before I left Utah. I went the easy route and bought figurines from The Disney Store. Elia loved helping me put the candies on top and we put the Prince Eric and Max (the dog) figurines on top of the white cake. Extra bonus, she now gets to play with the figurines! I have to admit, the 30 minute decorating time was sure a nice break from the three or so hours I spent on Ethan's cake (!

On Labor Day we went with our friends the Forbushes to the beach at Galveston. It was actually not bad... (we'd heard stories that it was). The waves were AWESOME... probably because of Hurricane Gustav. This beach bum loved the sandy muck!

Craig and Lynette watched the kids while Eric and I went body surfing! Thanks guys!

Happy Birthday Elia! Looks like you had a good party. Glad to hear you made it all the way to four.
Jen, I was going to give you Brook's cake blog just for fun so you could see some of the fun cakes she has made. She just did her first wedding cake. It turned out really nice. I don't know if she has the pics posted yet or not. but check out
Love the larger then live cupcakes!
I absolutely love the invitations and the cake. So lucky to have a Disney store nearby. Our closest one used to be in Salt Lake, now we don't have one, so I have to order online. Anyway, it looks like you guys are having so much fun with birthdays, and the beach,and the new house. Happy times!
Love the new house! Can't wait for pics of the inside. It looks huge! Very cute invitations too!
great pics! Good to catch up with you all. What is Eric doing in TX? I did not get that part. Much China love Em
Hey, is this evacuation in Houston affecting you guys?
Cannot believe she is four. Wow. LOVE the cupcake molds. Where did you get them?
Love your new house too, BTW. So, so cute.
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