Another week has come and gone. I can't believe we've been in Texas for almost four months already! Things are going well... the kids and I spend a lot of time outside. The weather has been beautiful, even a little cold sometimes, but we have picnics at the park probably three of the five week days. The kids do so well together... Elia is still like a little second mom, telling Ethan what he can and can't do and picking him up to help him go places (even though he is perfectly capable of walking). For some reason he doesn't always like the help...

The house is slowly but surely getting into shape. This week we passed a huge milestone... we actually fit the car in the garage! Amazing... I know! A big thanks to the Ratliff clan who provided this year's fall foliage. They sent these beautifully laminated leaves... the leaves here in Texas just get ugly brown. We made a mobile of them and they hang above our kitchen table:

Ethan has officially given up morning naps. Sad time for our family, but he was taking a short morning nap and then complaining all afternoon. For his afternoon naps now, he usually climbs out of his crib, plays for a little and then climbs back in and goes to sleep, well, when I went in one day, this is where I found him.

I thought it was funny how close he was to his crib:

Next, the joys of home ownership. Our bathtub drain has been clogged... well, since we moved in. The water drained so slowly, but we just never got around to taking it apart. Eric finally did it and found this little gem:

What a nice home-warming present for us! Yech!
Now, for some real beauties. I was trying to take pics of the kids for Christmas cards this year. Here are a few of my favorites.

Happy Thanksgiving all!
You're kids are getting so big and they both are absolutly BEAUTIFUL! Hope you guys have an EXCELLENT thanksgiving!!
thanks for the comment...i was just thinking of you. are you planning to come up our way next weekend? you seriously (all of you) have a place to stay (it is a glamourous couch bed, bunk bed and pack n' play, but free space nonetheless) anytime. let us know your plans. we would love to have you. your pictures are adorable. i am hoping for a nice camera soon and then i will have to get you to give me some pointers. sounds like things are well. texas this time of year is beautiful...
Those pictures of the kids are beautiful! That clog picture had me dry heaving, though. ;)
Those are some GREAT pics! You're kids are so adorable I can't get over it! And I loVE what you did with those leaves!
That "thing" eric pulled out of the drain is very disgusting. That makes me almost gag.
I love the pictures of your kids. They're adorable.
Cute kids. I love the sleeping Ethan one. What a cute idea with the leaves. I think I am too late, they are all dropping like crazy, maybe next year!
Wow, Jen, your pictures keep getting better and better. (Not that they were not good before.) Those two pictures of Elia are interesting, each very nice and yet so different from each other, different moods, different Elias. Very fun! I wish you were around to catch my kids in your pictures too.
Tell Eric that is a cute pet he found! Nice of the last owner to leave it for you. It is nice when you get the point in your house when you feel like you are cleaning up your own dirt, instead of someone elses. It is some how comforting:)
Cute, cute pictures!!! I LOVE LOVE that one of Ethan asleep in his room, how precious is that?!? Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.
Eww the drain thing sounds like fun to clean! I love all the pics. You're gonna have to give me a lesson!
I can't believe how big your kids are. hope you guys are doing well!
I can't believe how big your kids are. hope you guys are doing well!
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