We are very excited to plant our garden this week. Our garden box is full of dirt and the plants are in the garage. Hopefully they will go into the ground on Monday. It is our first gardening experience in Texas, so we'll hope all goes well. I'm especially looking forward to fresh tomatoes! Our neighbor knew I was going to do a garden and came over with the name and number of her mother who has a truck and said that her mom would be glad to help me get a truck full of dirt. This was a huge blessing as having the dirt delivered would have been more than the cost of the dirt! The woman was super nice and happens to be a master gardener which was also great because when we went to the soil store there were like 5 different kinds of dirt to choose from!
Eric and I also watered and put "weed and feed" on our lawn for the first time. Our lawn has a lot of recovering to do, but we're cheering for it. We have also seen an increase in bugs. We have at least one mosquito hawk in our house each night and we caught "Karen" the caterpillar:
And "Mark" the roly-poly:
I was going to keep the caterpillar and have him turn into a moth, he will be a giant leopard moth, but he wasn't eating any of the variety of leaves I gave him and I didn't want to kill him, so I put him outside and he escaped. Oh, well... maybe next time. :(
Here are a few pictures Elia took one afternoon. I thought they turned out pretty well, so I wanted to share...
This next video shows how Ethan walks around the house maybe 50% of the time... on tippy toes! He has amazing balance and is so comfortable doing it... maybe he just feels he can see better. Who knows!
Aren't little brothers great?
Oh, I almost forgot to mention why I put "baby" in the title. On Monday we go in for our 20 week ultrasound... And nope, we're still not going to find out. We're excited to see the baby though! I'll try to scan some pictures for next week's blog and you guys can try and guess if it is a he/she. By the way our name thoughts are Hannah or Liza if it is a girl and Will if it is a boy. Of course, these aren't set in stone, but we both like those names.
Whenever you find out it is a surprise. I like the birth surprise the best myself as well. good luck with the TEXAS garden!
Elia did a great job taking pictures. Some of my favorite are ones Owen or Corbin took. Enjoy the green!
Wish we were "greening up". We have had some weather that was near 60's and thought it was quite nice, no jackets and all. But it feels like we are along way from planting a garden. How big will yours be? Send a picture of your garden box. It will make a good before and after, if everything comes up.
Did I tell you Andy and Mary may get a new baby in September too...
I love all your name choices, you are almost to the half way point, woo woo! Sounds like you guys are doing great! We miss you.
The tippy toe thing is so darling. I'm glad you caught it on video. I think that Elia did a fabulous job with the photos and I can't tell you how much I wish it were getting green here. It's snowing again today.
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