Ethan was so mad that I wouldn't hold him or stay with him on the beach because I wanted to wade in the water, so he sought comfort from Grampy.
On Saturday we went to the Houston Arboretum... 
Eric and Elia resting on Sunday afternoon. The love sac in front of the window is one of our favorite resting spots. We got lots of extra rest with Grampy and Yia Yia. The kids sometimes bothered them in the morning instead of coming right to us. I love Elia's position in this photo...

On Monday we stayed around the house and dad, as helpful as always, helped me build a new box for our soon-to-be vegetable garden, helped fix our shower curtain rod and shower head. I specifically didn't make a "to-do" list so he could be on vacation... but I think he can't help himself. It was such a nice relaxing visit... though it was too short! We can't wait for our June visit!
Thanks for a great visit Dad and Yia Yia! I love this picture of the two of them.
After they left, it was back to normal... or semi-normal, seeing how Eric was gone for all week to Atlanta. I got a lot of stuff done around the house last week including spending about three hours sorting and filing our stacks of papers. I hate paperwork! Does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with it? It is so overwhelming to me. Eric wants to go paperless and scan everything. What do you think?

Well, about one more month until Ethan's second birthday. We are seriously debating putting his hair on the chopping block... literally. So, the debate is whether to trim it... maybe 3 inches off the back (make it less mullet-ish as people think it is), or go for a classic little boy haircut with short sides and back and longer top (kind of like Eric's). Any opinions?
Very nice pictures, as always. Sorry to hear Eric is traveling so much. I bet that gets old. No real opinion about the hair, other then if you are going to cut it, just go for it...it will be a bit of a shock to begin with, but it will be adorable.
Looks like a lot of fun Jen. I especially love your pictures. Great color!
What a fun visit! So much to do in your area, nice! Nick is traveling too, so I will be thinking about you! Let me know your solution to paper work, it seems to take over our house sometimes! I obviously like the little boy hair cut! What a fun change!
The picture of Elia and your Dad, SO SWEET!. it almost amde me want to cry!(sorry, it made me think about my Dad). So fun you could capture this moment!.
Cute Pictures! Aren't grandparents the best!! When I cut Jackson's hair I had a real tough time with it because he didn't look like my baby anymore, he looked like a litle boy! I cut it about a month ago and I am still having problems adjusting to it! Ethan looks cute with long hair! Just trim it up 3 inches!
Jen, why do you live so far away? After talking with you today I remembered once again how much I miss hanging out with you! I love that you are always ready for an adventure. So fun!
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