There is a reason why I shouldn't wait two weeks in between blog postings. Everything gets jumbled together and I really can't remember anything we've done! Plus, all those funny little kid moments that I want to remember as they happen get totally forgotten. I'm going to try and do better, because it really is a lot of fun around here and I want to remember those times and not just what we did. Nancy finished out her visit with a bang... and we're so grateful for her help. Among the things I was able to get done while she was here include organizing the attic and my craft closet, sewing curtains, and Eric and I organized the entire garage.
During her last weekend we went to the beach:
Here is my maternity picture for all of you who have been wondering what my expanding belly looks like... thanks to Eric for the artistry and modestly placed shells. I wouldn't want to reveal too much :)

A note about Elia's picture on the motorcycle. It is completely not posed... She had climbed on the motorcycle while I was finishing taking pictures of Ethan and was in this pose when I walked in the garage. I thought it was a pretty creative pose, called her name and took the picture. What a funny girl. Also, you may be wondering why Elia got a rose on Mother's Day too. Well, Eric wanted to make sure that Elia received her first red rose from him. (I'm a little worried about what he'll be like when she can actually leave the house by herself with a .... Boy; I picture a lengthy interview process.)
So, I saved some exciting news for all of you who made it to the end... Some of you know that I've been writing articles and doing photography for a quarterly magazine ( I wrote one article for the current issue and just finished two others for the next issue. Well, the editor just had her first baby and decided to step down. I (insanely perhaps) thought I would apply for it. Everything seems to have just fallen into place and after a very involved application and interview process I found out Friday that I'll be taking over as the new editor! My mom is probably shaking her head right now (because she already thinks I do too much), but it's only 10-15 hours a week (which in August when we have #3 might seem like 40) and I get to work from home. I'll cut back on my photography but there will be some slow weeks in the production process that I'll still have time to do a little of that. I'm really excited because, as it happened when I worked for the newspaper, I'll get to know the community really well and be able to combine my writing and photography interests more. I am really excited. For all of my Sugar Land friends, the magazine is always interested in freelance writers, so let me know if you are interested!
In just two weeks we head off to New Hampshire to visit my dad.