Another whirlwind week (gotta love those)! It started with a wonderful Mother's Day last Sunday. Eric made his mom and I crepes with a choice of eggs, jam and powdered sugar or fruit with whipped cream (or any combination) for breakfast. He also bought three roses (one for Elia too) and a box of petit fours that the young women were selling as a fundraiser. I learned in church that the woman who fought to establish Mother's Day then fought against it because it had become so commercialized. I'd like it to never get that way for us. I did get a "Mother's Day present"... getting my sewing machine fixed, but I hope my kids in the future just do something nice for me... or better yet, just give me a day off. :) The longer I'm a mother the more I appreciate just taking a break! :) Here is a picture of our roses and breakfast...

So in around-the-house news, a friend came over last week and helped me sew some curtains for my windows downstairs. I was very excited to get them done. Eric and I will hopefully get the rods up tomorrow morning before he leaves for his trip to Atlanta. Eric's mom has been very helpful in helping with the kids while I get some of my "projects" done. She watched the kids, plus one when my friend came over to help sew. I'm hoping to put pictures up very soon.
Speaking of pictures, I was looking through the pictures of the week and came across 89 pictures that Elia had taken with our camera one day when we weren't watching her. She took pictures of the computer screen, her toys, the clothes in our closet, the playroom, etc. Actually, most of them are pretty in focused. I thought this one of Ethan was cute to post. It's of him getting ready to slide down the temporary "slide" (a cardboard box) in the playroom.

I know... frogs keep turning up in our blog. Here is Eric's recent find...
Yep, that's usually all we see of Elia! Have a great week!
Looks like a fun week. I hear San Antonio is pretty awesome, looks like you guys had fun. What the Elia she looks like a teenager in that car picture! LOL - Is she done with booster seats and everything?
Fun!! San Antonio looks fun, we want to get there someday! Even better when you have free Marriott rooms!!! Hey, I want to see a pregnant picture of you! I can kinda see you in the Sea World pic but I think it is time for a shot of just you and the belly!!!!
we were there the friday before mother's day! so fun! we have the same pics on our blog! i hope your kids loved it as much as mine did! were you DYING in the heat being prego?? i was seeing pregnant women walking around sweltering and thinking how grateful i was to not that bad?
Oh I love San Antonio! That was one of the first things Dave and I did when we moved here!
Wow! What fun times! Love the frog pictures!
Those are great pictures of the whales at Sea World. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
I want to come and see your curtains.
Just like the Petty's to be off on a fun adventure! :) I'm so glad you had fun at Sea World. We love Shamu. -Andrea
Wow! Looks like so much fun and I love your pictures. Sea World looked like a blast.
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