Elia got particular joy from feeding our french fries to the seagulls. I honestly don't know why we even order french fries (and actually, we usually don't). They are only really good 15% of the time and most of the time we eat a couple each and then throw the rest away.

I've been trying to keep track of the funny things Elia and Ethan say and do. Here are a few that I can remember...
The other day, after biting off half of her pink marshmallow (one of her Easter basket treats), Elia stuck the other half to her eye and said, "Look mom, I have pink-eye." Now, I'm pretty sure she has no idea what pink eye really is, which made the whole thing funnier.

Moment 1:
Elia in bathtub: "Papa I peed!"
Papa (from other room, kind of wondering why she's telling him): You're not supposed to pee in the tub.
Elia: Papa come here. I peed in a cup.
She had peed in a cup that the kids play with while they are taking a bath and wanted him to come dump it in the toilet.
Moment 2:
Elia: What are you doing?
Mama: Putting this empty vinegar bottle in the recycle bin.
Elia: The opossums gave Jesus vinegar to drink...
I then explained that it was the soldiers that gave him vinegar and the apostles were Jesus's friends. It made me wonder what else my children think is reality.
To close, I'm including a short video from our backyard pool. After trying to decide what to do one afternoon and thinking of our friend who practically has the beach as her backyard, we filled up the kiddy pool. The thing that is so funny about this is Ethan's screams. He is clearly enjoying the water, but if you were to just listen to the audio you would think he was in pain!
That pink eye comment is so funny! And I love Ethan's face! Funny you asked about Lance's hair, I like it long, but the back is PERMA Bed head and it is driving me crazy. We went over to Speen's parents house yesterday to cut it, but couldn't find the hair cutter, so I am guessing it won't be long for much longer! ;)
I can't believe how cute his face is in that picture, what a great shot of him. I just laughed at it when I saw it, he is such a little character.
THat look on Ethan's face is so classic--with the hair, too. So funny! I miss you guys.
for some reason...water always makes things FUNNER! yes, FUNNER! Ethan's cake is absolutely amazing!!! I am so impressed! I can't believe how big elia is...can you believe we were all pregnant with out first babies together. that seems like another lifetime. love the picture of elia feeding the seagulls
Hey, I thought opposum's gave Jesus vinegar too! Miss you guys. What great pix of the kids. Love the pink marshmallow story!
His little face in that picture is oh so cute! Those are just precious moments! Love it. We need to chat and get back to curtain-working! I just got back from AZ last Wed, and if you check my blog, you'll see what I've been BUSY BUSY BUSY with :)
Talk to you soon!
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