We were headed back from our trip to NH, which explains our weird anniversary "celebration" and which I'll comment on in a few days once I get unpacked, and actually, Eric and I spent our almost three-week long honey moon in Boston, NH and Maine and it was fun to be reminded of that, but for now I wanted to comment on what a great eight years it has been. Anniversaries deserve their own post right?
I can't even believe it's been that long. I feel like we haven't gotten any older (except when I look at our wedding pictures). It's just been a fun ride. When I look at Eric now I really appreciate what a great husband and father he is and how well we compliment each other. So, here's to eight great years and many more to come!
You guys are so cute Jen, happy anniversary. That is so weird, I never noticed our anniversaries were 2 days apart, hurray for June brides! ;)
Feliz Aniversario!!, you guys do make one cute fun couple!.
Congrats!!! Enjoy your trip!
Happy Anniversary! You guys look SO YOUNG in that picture!
Happy Anniversary you two! You guys are the best and I just love your wedding picture. What a good looking couple! Beautiful.
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