20 days to go until my due date... though I'm hoping to go a little early as I did with the other two. Eric went to the doctor with me on Friday... hoping for some surprising news, but the doctor said, "You're a one... see you next Friday." He also offered to help me have the baby a little quicker, but I'm not in that much of a hurry. You all have to take the poll (on the right side of the blog) and tell us if you think baby No. 3 will be a boy or girl.
A few pictures from this week and some photoshop playing. The kids and I went with a new family in our ward...
...to George Historical Ranch which is down the road from us. We picked a great day considering it is July and most of it was outside. It was a little cloudy for much of the morning. George Ranch is a working ranch that has houses built as early as 1830. It was interesting to see the difference in the homes as time went by... and wonder how on earth people lived without air conditioning. We are so spoiled! Interestingly, when I went to my doctor, he said he remembered getting air conditioning in his house when he was five or six... so, although he's not young, it wasn't that long ago! It makes me realize how lucky we are and really how comfortably we live.

Cool treehouse...
Before... blurry picture, but I loved Ethan's face.
Water color filter in photoshop. Looks more artistic than just like a blurry picture...
We were riding the tractor back and I saw this cool tree that I thought had potential. The light was pretty flat because it was midday...
A couple of color boosting layers and a vignette around the edges (also looks cool as black and white)...
OK, these next two I know it will be hard to tell the difference, but here is the original... 
So, that's the end of the Photoshop/Ranch tour. In other news, Eric hit a milestone on Saturday... 100 mile bike ride! He started at 3 a.m. and got done at 9 a.m. He was so excited to break the 100 mile point. He's gone a little over 90 before, but never to 100. Amazing as that is, the guy he rides with started at 9 p.m. and did 200 miles total! (He's training for a race). I'm glad Eric has found some great people to ride with.
In other news... my first issue as editor for Sugar Land Magazine came out! As soon as they put it on-line, I'll post a link so you can see what it's about. It was interesting taking over mid-issue and this fall issue will be my first complete issue, but it has been a lot of fun. Ask me again how I feel about it in two weeks when the baby comes and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, but I am really enjoying it now.

I darkened the sky to give the clouds more contrast and lightened the fence just a shade...

Hey, I know most of you don't live here, but if anyone has a story idea that we can localize for Sugar Land, let me know! It was a lot of pressure coming up with 20 or so story ideas for the magazine!
Love the photoshop pictures! WOW that tree does not even look like the same tree! I need to learn more about photoshop! Which version do you have?
cute pictures Jen! 20 more days, I can't wait to hear what you end up having, boy or girl, what a fun surprise! Tell Eric, wow 100 miles, that's amazing, congrats!
I keep forgetting to tell you congrats on landing the editor job! I knew you could do it. They would be silly not to have you. Love the pics! Can't wait to hear about baby number 3.
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