Well, my birthday has come and gone and Eric's is a week and a half away! Ethan started sprouting his first tooth as my birthday present (at least we think he is). He has a teeny white spot on his lower gums, but so far, nothing has come out really. He is crawling now and can sit up by himself out of a crawl position for quite some time.

Elia's new development is the crawl. She actually gets her arms out of the water for her freestyle stroke! It is so fun to watch her develop. I can't believe she is only 3! She also loves dancing and can spin for 20 minutes around our living room, laughing every time she falls because she is dizzy and continuing to laugh as she wobbily tries to stand up. It is amazing how long she can go for! Maybe I'll try to post a video of that next time. They are a bit longer, so I might have to edit them.
Life is good though, we have a new sleeping arrangement. Elia is sleeping in Ethan's pack and play in our room while Ethan is sleeping in a borrowed pack and play in Elia's room. So far (for the last two nights) it has been working a lot better. Elia is a deeper sleeper and we can ignore Ethan better in hopes of him sleeping through the night. We'll see!
Wow, Elia has really got that down! I have to tell you I was laughing about Elia sleeping in the pack and play in your room. Whatever works!! :)
Love the first picture! Your sleeping arrangement is funny...but, you gotta do what you gotta do!
I love the swimming video. Your kids are darling!! I tried video yesturday and the sound didn't work. Do you have any suggestions?
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