...and The Great Wall (which, by the way is over 4,000 miles long!). In some parts the wall was so steep they had to crawl up on their hands and feet! (see below)

He is also having fun bargaining for souvenirs and seeing the sites around Beijing.

He says he thinks we would love living there, if he could find a job. I'd be game too! Maybe somewhere in our future. He says he understands more Mandarin than he thought he would and that he's just had a great time. He's going next to Shanghi and then to Hong Kong.
For those of you who would like to make this a history lesson, here are some links about the Forbidden City and the Great Wall: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbidden_City http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_wall_of_china
So, nothing seems as exciting when compared to China, especially since I've been handling sick kids (Elia now is on her third day of antibiotics after a very painful and serious ear infection and Ethan is still doing his breathing treatments twice a day). A quick story about that, Ethan just began antibiotics when we arrived here and his were pink. Elia, who needed a larger dose was supposed to get orange, but the pharmacists converted the prescription so she would just take a larger amount of the pink. She is very excited that she gets to take "two sips" of the pink. In fact it was funny at the doctor's office, she was in so much pain, but when he told her she was going to get some medicine, she whimpered, "Do you have any that tastes good?" We all burst out laughing which caused her to burst into tears. She is pretty much back to her usual self.
In my news, I printed 100 scrapbook pages on Saturday. I am excited to have them done. Especially since now I can't (or don't have any reason to) go back and edit them anymore. They are like the un-ending project that you could continually improve upon.
The kids and I head back to Glendale on Wednesday after a great visit with Nana and Grandpa. They really have been a huge help with the kids especially as I've spent 2 hours each night for four of the nights last week at the computer lab, not to mention all the other times I've done things without the kids plus the great cooking by Grandpa which has relieved me of all cooking duties. I'm going to be spoiled when I go back! Elia will sure miss her cousins, especially Emily, (who, (yes, I knew it had to happen) has replaced me as her "best friend"). We will also miss the snow, but are excited to get to the nice weather again. We hope everyone is doing as well as we are!
SUCH COOL PICTURES, EVEN COOLER BEING IN CHINA!!..and then, not cool AT ALL that your children are sick Jen:S. Hope the "pink stuff" is helping!.
Very impressive hand walking, Eric. The temples in Asia are amazing, aren't they. Hope it was a great trip! Hope you made it home safe, Jen. Have fun.
Those pic's are awesome, glad Eric had a great time. I LOVED the video, was Eric a gymnast or anything?!?
Hey guys! Hope everything's great. I didn't know Eric could stand on his hands. Cool pics!
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