Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Who is Ethan's Papa?

OK, so I am done with long posts! The last two have been exceptionally long and I know it is hard to read ones that are so long! So for now, I want to post this little incident, the topic of which, comes up almost every day:

Elia: Who is Ethan's Papa?
Jen: Your Papa is Ethan's Papa.
Elia: No he's not.
Jen: Yes, you and Ethan have the same Papa.
Elia: I don't want to share Papa.
Jen: Well, who is Ethan's Papa?
Elia (while on a walk): That tree is Ethan's Papa.
Jen: Trees make baby trees, not baby people. People have to make baby people. Papa is Ethan's Papa.
Elia: No he's not.
Jen: admits defeat in arguing with a three-year-old by not continuing the conversation

I'm beginning to learn that grown-ups do not win logical arguments with small children. From what I've heard, I think it is rare for a grown-up to win an argument with a teenager too. Time will tell!


Jean Smith said...

LOVE those little treasures of conversations with kids. they are truly priceless. by the way, don't try to win an least not with a three year old!

The Petty's said...

Cute story about Elia.

I have been tagged on my blog, and so now I am tagging you. Go to my blog and see the rules. (Don't you love it when people tell you what to do like this.)

Tiffany said...

Cute! What a great story. Elia is really going to love that one when she gets older.

Mickell said...

Oh I guess that Elia will get it some day! :)
THat is pretty cute!